Longevity Diet

This web page, updated regularly, provides you with information on healthy diet choices.

The Longevity Diet is a must for anyone who wants to lose weight while preventing diseases at the same time. The longevity weight loss diets utilizes agents and foodstuffs that we also know have an impact on preventing or slowing cancer and heart disease. Right diet has the potential to add years to your life. Physical exercises are the best diet's friends.

Please keep in mind that you don't have to eat perfectly all the time. Try to find a "happy medium". Make changes slowly and accept the fact that there may be times when you want to eat a chocolate in the evening, although the longevity diet prohibits to eat sweet products after 7:00 PM. So, don't be hard on yourself if you eat once or twice a week two sweets late at night.

Genetics strongly influence how we respond to diet. There is no diet that is appropriate for everyone. Therefore, first makes sure you have made good dietary choices - diets that will not deteriorate your health. For example, if you have susceptibility to constipation, refrain from unboiled rice and rice diets.

Nevertheless, different diets have common rules. Try to have a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Avoid extreme diets. Frequent, small meals are preferable to large meals. Try to have more protein during the day, and switch to slightly more complex carbs in the evening. Click to read more on Health Longevity Diet

As we age, the body has less resistance to stress and an increased vulnerability to disease. While many people have searched for the fountain of youth, significant life extension continues to be an elusive goal. However, studies in animals suggest that reducing caloric intake may help fight age-associated disease and prolong life.

It is not easy to follow the diet. The statistics proves it: more than 60 percent of American adults are overweight and 25 percent are obese. Weight isn’t just an adult problem – roughly 15 percent of children are also overweight. Research has linked excess weight to many chronic medical conditions, like  high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. But we should always remember that a systematic and gradual way leads to success!

The amount of calories needed by the body depends upon health, activity and age. Currently, the USDA recommends about 2,200 calories/day for sedentary men and 1,600 calories for sedentary women. Active men and very active women need about 2,800 calories. These are the calorie levels needed to maintain weight. To lose weight, you need to cut calories or increase activity levels. Experts say healthy people can generally cut caloric intake by about 20 to 25 percent. Many calories can be eliminated by watching portion sizes and substituting whole grains, fruits and vegetables for high-sugared processed foods. The body needs protein and calories for fuel – so don’t cut calories too far. Be careful! Starvation diets often lead to food obsessions, eating disorders and depression.

Researchers say cutting excess calories may aid in longevity by reducing exposure to harmful substances in foods and slowing the body’s rate of metabolism. A new study published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reports older mice fed a calorie-restricted diet lived more than 40 percent longer than litter mates given standard animal feed.

So, one of the best ways to longevity is to follow a healthy balanced diet and take regular exercises.

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